
Sky B Aviation has all the necessary skills to satisfy each and every single one of your aeronautical requirements. Our team, made up of lawyers specialised in aviation and aerospace law, mechanics, engineers, pilots, and business developers, focuses on exceeding your expectations in any area you need.

Spare Parts

Sky B Aviation is a national benchmark in obtaining aerospace materials of any kind.
Our experience and international connections guarantee a fast and efficient solution to your needs.

Air Taxi

As a consequence of clients’ demand and a product of aircraft operation by its funder, Sky B Aviation also offers specific air services: air taxi, executive charter flights, and sanitary flights for national and international destinations as well.


Since we are made up of a multidisciplinary team, we offer a comprehensive service that enables us to fulfil the necessary requirements decide whether to steer towards a corporative exploitation investment, or a leisure and free time one.


As a reference of our services we can mention among our clients::

CG Turbines SRL
Servicios Helicenter SA
Aviación Atlántico Sur SA
Prevención Seguros SA
Baires Fly SA
Aero rutas SATA
Aero rutas Technis SA

Prima Implantes SA
El Air SA
Cedma aviación SA
Aero sistemas 2000 SA
Direccion Provincial de Tucuman
Direccion Provincial de Chaco

Direccion Provincial de Catamarca
La Segunda Cia de Seguros
Consultatio SA
Video Drome SA
Ameriflight SA
Aeroclub de Olavarría
Alas Agrícolas SA

Altuna Fumigación SA
Guelfi Fumigación SA
Digital Air Service SA
Socorro Medico Privado SA
Alba Jet SA
Just Flight SA
HeliWorks SA